undefined reference to _imp____glutinitwithexit 12

Publié le 4 juin 2022

我涉足 Python 一年,现在开始使用 C++,所以我是个菜鸟。. Start the IDE, press Alt-P, go to the "Parameters" tab, and enter the proper linker options in the "Linker" field: -lglut -lGLU -lGL It took me all of 30 seconds to look up how to do this on the internet (since I don't use Dev-C++). Although I linked files bit differently in DevC++, there were no errors or warnings. Have I to do the same thing that hamoid as well, and in that case, where i have to copy the libraries, which folder. Undefined reference to 3 GLEW elements. Hi, I do not want to use visual studio express because microsoft just wants your cc and they are trying to kill opengl so there is no point to use their compiler. [英] Trying to compile OpenGL 4 Helloworld in CLion+CMake+MinGW on Windows. Posted 10-May-12 19:29pm «_Superman_» Solution 2 If I make an OpenGL project, I can't read even a basic text file, and when I make a basic empty project then I can read the file but glut doesn't work and I get errors saying "undefined reference to '_imp____glutInitWithExit@12' and such. これはMingWのwikiのガイドで推奨されていました。このサイトから8.1.0に更新すると、リンカーは「__imp_CreateDCW」や「__imp_SwapBuffers」など、さまざまな関数への未定義の参照に関するエラーをスローし始めました。 Which one are you actually using? In search directories > linker I put the folder address that contains freeglut's 64bit libraries. As with freeglut, it's necessary to redistribute the GLUT DLL with . 所以它连接了一些GLEW,但不是一切。 Something with the naming is indeed wrong here, this could be a CEGUI bug in the configuration you use. Undefined reference means that the symbol name (although mangled slightly in the output), cannot be found. Under Linux everything works like a charm but under Windows I cannot get it to work correctly. The best way to start a new Fortran project is to use the "Fortran application" template: Make sure to arrange these as well as the previous glRotate () commands in the correct order as described above. [英] MinGW and GLUT undefined reference to '_imp____glutInitWithExit@12' 本文翻译自 Frumples 查看原文 2014-01-18 5731 windows64 / c++ / glut / freeglut / windows I need to cross-compile my OpenGL/GLU/GLUT program to Windows platform, but there's trouble with winegcc. Undefined reference to the function 'check' (GCC compilation in MinGW) MinGW and GLUT undefined reference to '_imp____glutInitWithExit@12' How to solve -----undefined reference to `__chkstk_ms'-----on mingw arm-none-eabi-ld malloc undefined reference 编译nginx时提示undefined reference to 'pcre_free_study' 奇怪的undefined reference to . Fix issue SGL-UT#27 by linking against regex library in WIN32 && MING…. I've wanted to toy with this library for a while. 未定義的引用在Windows下使用升壓使用MinGW ; 8. Segmentation fault (core dumped) Unresolved external symbol. Copy the glut.h file and paste to the folder " C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\include\GL ". I had similar problems using MinGW, which I believe Dev C++ is built around and this solved my link problems. There are precompiled MinGW binaries linked on the project page, you can also compile the library yourself. The commands to compile and link a typical GLUT application would be: gcc -c -o example.o example.c -I"C:\Program Files\Common Files\MinGW\GLUT\include" gcc -o example.exe example.o -L"C:\Program Files\Common Files\MinGW\GLUT\lib" -lglut32 -lopengl32 -Wl,--subsystem,windows. I have three books that I am using to learn opengl: ope Now this code will compile. When running cmake the compiler check fails with: exit.c: (.text.exit+0x18): undefined reference to `_exit' collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status. Likewise if you need glut or glu library functions you want -lglut -lglu respectively. "undefined reference to `_imp____glewCreateShader' " errors [duplicate] 本文翻译自 Aleksey Moroz 查看原文 2015-01-18 5100 COM / c++ / mingw32 / mingw / cmake / clion / opengl / make / open In particular, atexit callbacks registered in the executable will not be called if GLUT calls its (different) 编辑:我编辑了上面的所有代码,使之成为一个非常简单的示例,但仍然得到一个非常类似的链接器错误。有人报告说这是一个类似于一般的"链接器错误的原因"帖子的问题,我已经尝试了很多,但没有一个有帮助。 Download GLUT Library and unzip the file. [英] Trying to compile OpenGL 4 Helloworld in CLion+CMake+MinGW on Windows. Make sure it is before the glut include as above. Nie jest to bezpośrednia odpowiedź na Twoje pytanie, ale czy rzeczywiście potrzebujesz jakichś funkcji z freeglut? Then I get the following compile errors: g++ -Wl,-subsystem,windows -mthreads -o debug\\example.exe object_script.example.Debug -lmingw32 -LC:\\. [Linker error] undefined reference to `__glutInitWithExit@12' [Linker error] undefined reference to `__glutCreateWindowWithExit@8' try adding a #define GLUT_DISABLE_ATEXIT_HACK just before your include to gl/glut.h I had the same problem as you with devcpp, and this #define solved mine. My Cmake file below: cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.6) In this tutorial, we will discuss three types of errors that are critical from any C++ programmer's point of view. 原文 标签 c++ windows glut freeglut windows64. Cancel. In Windows, the library file is called glut32.lib. Alternatively, you can pass .obj files or .lib files that contain the definitions to the linker. 问题解决--无法解析的外部符号 _imp_XXXXXXXXX 错误示例: 出现字符_imp,说明不是真正的静态库,而是某个动态库的导入库,导入函数和自己不同名,所以加了字符_imp。比如说_imp_GetUserNameA就是GetUserNameA函数。会报这种错误的原因: 1、说明注册表函数没有相关的lib库,我们需要在MSDN下搜索函数。 "undefined reference to `_imp____glewCreateShader' " errors [duplicate] 本文翻译自 Aleksey Moroz 查看原文 2015-01-18 5100 COM / c++ / mingw32 / mingw / cmake / clion / opengl / make / open Second, glut and freeglut are two different libraries. Which is the problem I'm facing. 在Linux上使用mingw時未定義引用`__imp_ *` 9. GameDev.net is your resource for game development with forums, tutorials, blogs, projects, portfolios, news, and more. Hi, I created empty project, I added 2 files to it: stack.h and stack.cpp When I compile I get weird error. You can fix the errors by including the source code file that contains the definitions as part of the compilation. For XP: ControlPanel -> System -> Advanced -> EnvironmentVariables. :Chinese Internal Code Specification) ,中华人民共和国全国信息技术标准化技术委员会1995年12月1日制订,国家技术监督局标准化司、电子工业部科技与质量监督司1995年12月15日联合以技监标函1995 229号文件的形式,将它确定为技术 . Je tiens à préciser que j'ai utilisé. While testing I compiled a simple hello World using arm-none-eabi-gcc This was successful after . //*.pro QT += core gui opengl greaterThan (QT_MAJOR_VERSION . Download and install all packages [1] MinGW-x.y.z.exe will automate the download and installation process for you. 今天临时又用到函数mciSendString、PlaySound,编译报错undefined reference to `__imp_XXXX,一下子没想起来怎么解决。 在正常使用的情况下是这样: 对于VS2019, 有效解决方案是:在头文件后#pragma comment(lib,"winmm.lib"). You need to link to the GL library. Steps to Setup OpenGL (GLUT) in CodeBlocks: Step - 1. 原因: Win32 has an annoying issue where there are multiple C run-time libraries (CRTs). Re: undefined reference to glClear. Third, if you're using glut then the lib is (usually) called glut32, not glut, so check what the name of the .lib or .a file actually is. I think you may need to add this line: #define GLUT_DISABLE_ATEXIT_HACK#include "gl/glut.h". Not sure what the name is on other OSs. Without a project file and build log here are my best guesses: you are mixing libs with incompatible architectures. As a quickfix you can obviously rename this either in the project settings or rename the file itself. Unless I add LIBS += -lglu32 -lopengl32 -lfreeglut I can't get the p. I followed the instructions here: http://wiki.allegro.cc/Setting_up_Code::Blocks_with_Allegro but when I start a . Bonjour à tous Je m'amuse actuellement sur Dev-Cpp à coder en utilisant la librairie glut. Then link your code to freeglut (libfreeglut.a) and it should work. The trick is to remember that if you use any functions from included header files that …. 使用MinGW的GLEW問題:未定義的引用'_imp__glewExperimental。' 10. I have opened example.pro, configure, and start debug. 3. I use Code::Blocks, because I want to create as portable code as possible (OpenGL/GLUT is used for the same reason) and to my knowledge, Visual C++ Express or Visual Studio are mostly Microsoft specific - or, are they? I'm trying to "upgrade" a complex OpenGL app that I've build using Qt 4.8.6 to Qt 5.7.0 . Add the full "MinGW\bin" path to the Windows PATH environment variable. Summary [93/129] Linking C executable tools\\tiffgt.exe FAILED: tools/tiffgt.exe But without anything to look at I have no way of helping you. MinGW+OpenGL+GLUTで毎回ハマること $ gcc -lfreeglut -lglu32 -lopengl32 main.c main.o:main.c:(.text+0x1c): undefined reference to `_imp____glutInitWithExit@12 . Open include folder from the downloaded file. MinGWを実行しているWindowsマシンでOpenGLの学習に取り組んでおり、標準includeとglu32.dllなどを使用してOpenGLプログラムをコンパイルおよび実行できました。 c++ - MinGW 和 GLUT 对 '_imp____glutInitWithExit@12' 的 undefined reference. Open lib folder from downloaded file. FreeGlut and Glut32 are a set of functions for use with OpenGL. Add the following commands to scale the cube by 2 along the x-axis, 2 along the y-axis, rotate the cube by 180 degrees about the y-axis, and translate the cube by 0.1 along the x-axis. January 12, 2004 08:22 AM. Undefined reference. UNSOLVED FreeGlut: undefined reference In function `glutInit_ATEXIT_HACK': FreeGlut: undefined reference In function `glutInit_ATEXIT_HACK': Witam, ostatnio chciałem zrobić pewny mały projekt w QT lecz jak chce podpiec do niego freegluta to wyskakuje właśnie "undefined reference". So I want to use Dev C++ gcc from the command line to compile code instead of vs. While testing I compiled a simple hello World using arm-none-eabi-gcc This was successful after . QT OpenGL编译错误undefined reference to ` . UNSOLVED FreeGlut: undefined reference In function `glutInit_ATEXIT_HACK': FreeGlut: undefined reference In function `glutInit_ATEXIT_HACK': Witam, ostatnio chciałem zrobić pewny mały projekt w QT lecz jak chce podpiec do niego freegluta to wyskakuje właśnie "undefined reference". Glut is a utility library that abstract the concept behind a window system making easy creation of windows to show OpenGL stuff. I've done this successfully on Mac OSX El Capitan, but have problems on Windows 7 using mingw. We will discuss the possible causes of each of these errors and along with the precautions that we can take as a programmer to prevent these errors. @Wild-Bill There is definitely an issue, and more than likely in your project (but possibly your environment). ライブラリがインストールされていないようです。 更新履歴 Obsługę okien, klawiatury i kontekstu OpenGL masz bezpośrednio w Qt. gcc test.c -D_STDCALL_SUPPORTED -D_M_IX86 glut32.lib -lopengl32 -lglu32 带有opengl,glut,glaux这几个库.glut32.dll opengl32.dll 系统自带 libopengl32.a gcc自带有 libglu32.a gcc自带有 glut32.lib gcc和VC都可以使用的glut32.dll的导入库 libglut32.a gcc用的导入库. Example 1.2 using GLEW --- big problem. J'ai pu réaliser en cours deux - trois programmes. undefined reference to 'main' Example /usr/lib/crt1.o: In function `_start': /usr/lib/crt1.o(.text+0x18): undefined reference to `main' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status Meaning This is a special case of "undefined reference" Usual Causes You compiled a .cpp that does not contain main( ), but forgot to use the -c switch. Unless i and g are defined in one of the files included in the build, the linker generates LNK2019. Although I linked files bit differently in DevC++, there were no errors or warnings. >winegcc *.c -lGL -lglut artifact.c: In function 'draw_artifacts': artifact.c:38:5: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'printf' artifact.c: In function 'set_artifacts': artifact.c:61:3: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in . If the executable is linked with a different CRT from the GLUT DLL, the GLUT DLL will not share the same CRT static data seen by the executable. libglaux.a VC自带有对应的glaux.lib,这是给gcc用的 glut好像不能静态编译,使用了专用的 . 解决linux 下多线程错误 undefined reference to `sem_init'_hackaday的博客-程序员秘密 编译的时候出现如下错误提示:undefined reference to `sem_init'undefined reference to `sem_post'undefined reference to `sem_wait'编译选项需要加入一个多线程:gcc -pthread -o outfile.out filename.c I installed MinGW and had everything working fine until I installed freeglut. 在编写OpenGL程序时,当使用到glut库时,编译能够成功,但是在执行的时候,就会 出现__imp____glutInitWithExit@12和无法解析的外部符号和__imp____glutCreateWindowWithExit@8无法解析。这个问题的解决:在#include 之前(一定要在其前)加上下列代码: #ifndef GLUT_DISABLE_ATEXIT_HAC Hey OpenGL Programmers and C++ Users… I am new with OpenGL and this OpenGL Forum yet… So i use Dev C++ and i get installed FreeGLUT on Windows XP (at home i work on windows 7 and 10)… Now i try if opengl works on Dev … MinGW+OpenGL+GLUTで毎回ハマること $ gcc -lfreeglut -lglu32 -lopengl32 main.c main.o:main.c:(.text+0x1c): undefined reference to `_imp____glutInitWithExit@12 . Example 1.1 using freeglut no problem. When I run the following code: #include &lt;gl/gl. Probably because you haven't linked its source or library file. 使用makefile链接GLFW库时遇到问题(HavingtroublewithGLFWlibrarylinkingusingamakefile),我一直致力于在运行MinGW的Windows机器上学习OpenGL,我 . 链接 sfml-audio 时的 C++ 未定义引用 2015-12-28 C++ SFML 2.1 未 定 义 对 GLEW 的 引 用 2015-02-14 SFML :对 _imp_ 的 未 定 义 引 用 [关闭] 2018-02-07 An alternative situation arises where the source for foo() is in a separate source file foo.c (and there's a header foo.h to declare foo() that is included in both foo.c and undefined_reference.c). 对3个GLEW元素的未定义引用。 Notice that it does not say undefined reference to '__imp_glewInit' 请注意,它没有说明对'__imp_glewInit'的未定义引用. With windows and Linux library files: And I am using MingW for the toolchain: The issue I am having is the fact that My Cmake file is doing something wrong, I got the includes to work just fine but there is some issue with linking. I use Code::Blocks, because I want to create as portable code as possible (OpenGL/GLUT is used for the same reason) and to my knowledge, Visual C++ Express or Visual Studio are mostly Microsoft specific - or, are they? It has made graphic software a little easier to code when it comes to programming OpenGL with 3D in mind. Answered by Stinomus 11 in a post from 12 Years Ago. When running cmake the compiler check fails with: exit.c: (.text.exit+0x18): undefined reference to `_exit' collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status. Postby Ident » Sat Aug 26, 2017 4:38 pm. Operating System Info This tutorial was demonstrated to work under as well as assumes that your using Microsoft Windows 7 64-Bit. I dabbled in Python for a year, and am starting c++, so I am a noob. Then the fix is to link both the object file from foo.c and undefined_reference.c, or to compile both the source files: Under Linux everything works like a charm but under Windows I cannot get it to work correctly. It just mean that the compiler wasn't able to find some function, in this case glutInitWithExit. The easiest solution in your case: download freeglut library (a free GLUT replacement). -lglut -lGLUT -lfreeglut First of all glut and GLUT are the same so that's redundant. What you need is to add the -lGL in your linker options. In 'other linker options' i put "-lOpenGL32 -lglu32 -lfreeglut" but when i try to create a simple source code "main.c" that include "GL\freeglut.h" I get these linker errors… undefined reference to _imp____glutInitWithExit 12 Jump to Post. For Vista: ControlPanel -> SystemAndMaintenance -> System -> AdvancedSystemSettings . So far I have: (1) downloaded glew 64-bit source code zip file (2) Extracted the GLEW files (3) Used MSYS to. Undefined References to _imp____glew* functions with minGW gcc MinGW and GLUT undefined . Trying to run examples in OpenGLBook. [Linker error] undefined reference to 'gsl_sf_bessel_J0' All the gsl files seemed have been installed properly using the WebUpdate module in the About Dev-C++ dialog box, but apparently the compiler must have trouble trying to read the .h file for some reason. CrazyEddie: "I don't like GUIs". 当我运行以下代码时: #include <gl/glut.h> int main . The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: xaedes added a commit to xaedes/GPSTk that referenced this issue on Jan 31, 2017. So it is linking some of GLEW, but not everything. Suppose you are using g++ compiler and your file name is mytest.cpp then command would be $ g++ mytest.cpp -lglut32 undefined reference to `__imp___glutInitWithExit' 未定義の参照があるようです。ライブラリをきちんと指定しているか確認してみてください。 fatal error: GL/glut.h: No such file or directory. Cependant je n'arrive pas à les compiler chez moi ! Hi. OS Windows Vista Home Premium 64 using Code::Blocks IDE with mingw. ec9efc0. . //*.pro QT += core gui opengl greaterThan (QT_MAJOR_VERSION . Step - 2. 2 solutions Top Rated Most Recent Solution 1 You're probably missing a reference to the glut library. I have the following errors when i try to compile the example for ofxXmlSettings with some modifications. It is very obtuse and does not even give a Line number of . 在编写OpenGL程序时,当使用到glut库时,编译能够成功,但是在执行的时候,就会 出现__imp____glutInitWithExit@12和无法解析的外部符号和__imp____glutCreateWindowWithExit@8无法解析。这个问题的解决:在#include 之前(一定要在其前)加上下列代码: #ifndef GLUT_DISABLE_ATEXIT_HAC "undefined reference to" 问题汇总及解决方法 undefined reference to `_imp__glutInitWindowPosition@ 8 ' undefined reference to `_imp__glutInitDisplayMode@4' undefined reference to `_imp__glutReshapeFunc@ 4 ' 我安装了 MinGW 并且一切正常,直到我安装了 freeglut。. There are tools that convert import libraries. 未定義參考getprocessmemoryinfo @ 12 我在用 c++ 编译任何简单的 OpenGL 应用程序时遇到了很多麻烦。我一直在环顾四周,大部分时间都发现问题出在链接上,但我找不到适合我的解决方案。 You need to configure your Fortran project properly. 原文 标签 c++ opengl cmake mingw freeglut. Python:undefined引用到_imp __Py_InitModule4 ; 7. The linker cannot find the definition of the function rotozoomSurface in this case. I think u need to link it with glut. *undefined reference to imp_glewExperimental* *对imp_glewExperimental的未定义引用* Even though I'm new to C, as far as I understand, this means that I'm referring to something which has no definition, which generally means the library is missing. 所以,我正在使用 freeglut 尝试做一些 openGL 的东西,但我不断收到错误,说引用未定义: CMakeFiles\texture_mapping.dir/objects.a (TextureMapper.cpp.obj): In function `ZN13TextureMapper4initEv': ./TextureMapper.cpp:20: undefined reference to `glClearColor@16 . Hélène Sy Religion, Noeud A L'estomac Et Envie De Vomir, Projet Salle De Billard Au Maroc, Manoir Le Roure, Dr Soussan Dentiste, Jennifer Mariée Au Premier Regard, Albert Dupontel Fils, Quel Est Le Rôle De La Ziggourat D'ur, Agathe Lecaron Mari, Froid Mortel Explication, Introduction Historique Au Droit L1 Fiches Pdf,

我涉足 Python 一年,现在开始使用 C++,所以我是个菜鸟。. Start the IDE, press Alt-P, go to the "Parameters" tab, and enter the proper linker options in the "Linker" field: -lglut -lGLU -lGL It took me all of 30 seconds to look up how to do this on the internet (since I don't use Dev-C++). Although I linked files bit differently in DevC++, there were no errors or warnings. Have I to do the same thing that hamoid as well, and in that case, where i have to copy the libraries, which folder. Undefined reference to 3 GLEW elements. Hi, I do not want to use visual studio express because microsoft just wants your cc and they are trying to kill opengl so there is no point to use their compiler. [英] Trying to compile OpenGL 4 Helloworld in CLion+CMake+MinGW on Windows. Posted 10-May-12 19:29pm «_Superman_» Solution 2 If I make an OpenGL project, I can't read even a basic text file, and when I make a basic empty project then I can read the file but glut doesn't work and I get errors saying "undefined reference to '_imp____glutInitWithExit@12' and such. これはMingWのwikiのガイドで推奨されていました。このサイトから8.1.0に更新すると、リンカーは「__imp_CreateDCW」や「__imp_SwapBuffers」など、さまざまな関数への未定義の参照に関するエラーをスローし始めました。 Which one are you actually using? In search directories > linker I put the folder address that contains freeglut's 64bit libraries. As with freeglut, it's necessary to redistribute the GLUT DLL with . 所以它连接了一些GLEW,但不是一切。 Something with the naming is indeed wrong here, this could be a CEGUI bug in the configuration you use. Undefined reference means that the symbol name (although mangled slightly in the output), cannot be found. Under Linux everything works like a charm but under Windows I cannot get it to work correctly. The best way to start a new Fortran project is to use the "Fortran application" template: Make sure to arrange these as well as the previous glRotate () commands in the correct order as described above. [英] MinGW and GLUT undefined reference to '_imp____glutInitWithExit@12' 本文翻译自 Frumples 查看原文 2014-01-18 5731 windows64 / c++ / glut / freeglut / windows I need to cross-compile my OpenGL/GLU/GLUT program to Windows platform, but there's trouble with winegcc. Undefined reference to the function 'check' (GCC compilation in MinGW) MinGW and GLUT undefined reference to '_imp____glutInitWithExit@12' How to solve -----undefined reference to `__chkstk_ms'-----on mingw arm-none-eabi-ld malloc undefined reference 编译nginx时提示undefined reference to 'pcre_free_study' 奇怪的undefined reference to . Fix issue SGL-UT#27 by linking against regex library in WIN32 && MING…. I've wanted to toy with this library for a while. 未定義的引用在Windows下使用升壓使用MinGW ; 8. Segmentation fault (core dumped) Unresolved external symbol. Copy the glut.h file and paste to the folder " C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\include\GL ". I had similar problems using MinGW, which I believe Dev C++ is built around and this solved my link problems. There are precompiled MinGW binaries linked on the project page, you can also compile the library yourself. The commands to compile and link a typical GLUT application would be: gcc -c -o example.o example.c -I"C:\Program Files\Common Files\MinGW\GLUT\include" gcc -o example.exe example.o -L"C:\Program Files\Common Files\MinGW\GLUT\lib" -lglut32 -lopengl32 -Wl,--subsystem,windows. I have three books that I am using to learn opengl: ope Now this code will compile. When running cmake the compiler check fails with: exit.c: (.text.exit+0x18): undefined reference to `_exit' collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status. Likewise if you need glut or glu library functions you want -lglut -lglu respectively. "undefined reference to `_imp____glewCreateShader' " errors [duplicate] 本文翻译自 Aleksey Moroz 查看原文 2015-01-18 5100 COM / c++ / mingw32 / mingw / cmake / clion / opengl / make / open In particular, atexit callbacks registered in the executable will not be called if GLUT calls its (different) 编辑:我编辑了上面的所有代码,使之成为一个非常简单的示例,但仍然得到一个非常类似的链接器错误。有人报告说这是一个类似于一般的"链接器错误的原因"帖子的问题,我已经尝试了很多,但没有一个有帮助。 Download GLUT Library and unzip the file. [英] Trying to compile OpenGL 4 Helloworld in CLion+CMake+MinGW on Windows. Make sure it is before the glut include as above. Nie jest to bezpośrednia odpowiedź na Twoje pytanie, ale czy rzeczywiście potrzebujesz jakichś funkcji z freeglut? Then I get the following compile errors: g++ -Wl,-subsystem,windows -mthreads -o debug\\example.exe object_script.example.Debug -lmingw32 -LC:\\. [Linker error] undefined reference to `__glutInitWithExit@12' [Linker error] undefined reference to `__glutCreateWindowWithExit@8' try adding a #define GLUT_DISABLE_ATEXIT_HACK just before your include to gl/glut.h I had the same problem as you with devcpp, and this #define solved mine. My Cmake file below: cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.6) In this tutorial, we will discuss three types of errors that are critical from any C++ programmer's point of view. 原文 标签 c++ windows glut freeglut windows64. Cancel. In Windows, the library file is called glut32.lib. Alternatively, you can pass .obj files or .lib files that contain the definitions to the linker. 问题解决--无法解析的外部符号 _imp_XXXXXXXXX 错误示例: 出现字符_imp,说明不是真正的静态库,而是某个动态库的导入库,导入函数和自己不同名,所以加了字符_imp。比如说_imp_GetUserNameA就是GetUserNameA函数。会报这种错误的原因: 1、说明注册表函数没有相关的lib库,我们需要在MSDN下搜索函数。 "undefined reference to `_imp____glewCreateShader' " errors [duplicate] 本文翻译自 Aleksey Moroz 查看原文 2015-01-18 5100 COM / c++ / mingw32 / mingw / cmake / clion / opengl / make / open Second, glut and freeglut are two different libraries. Which is the problem I'm facing. 在Linux上使用mingw時未定義引用`__imp_ *` 9. GameDev.net is your resource for game development with forums, tutorials, blogs, projects, portfolios, news, and more. Hi, I created empty project, I added 2 files to it: stack.h and stack.cpp When I compile I get weird error. You can fix the errors by including the source code file that contains the definitions as part of the compilation. For XP: ControlPanel -> System -> Advanced -> EnvironmentVariables. :Chinese Internal Code Specification) ,中华人民共和国全国信息技术标准化技术委员会1995年12月1日制订,国家技术监督局标准化司、电子工业部科技与质量监督司1995年12月15日联合以技监标函1995 229号文件的形式,将它确定为技术 . Je tiens à préciser que j'ai utilisé. While testing I compiled a simple hello World using arm-none-eabi-gcc This was successful after . //*.pro QT += core gui opengl greaterThan (QT_MAJOR_VERSION . Download and install all packages [1] MinGW-x.y.z.exe will automate the download and installation process for you. 今天临时又用到函数mciSendString、PlaySound,编译报错undefined reference to `__imp_XXXX,一下子没想起来怎么解决。 在正常使用的情况下是这样: 对于VS2019, 有效解决方案是:在头文件后#pragma comment(lib,"winmm.lib"). You need to link to the GL library. Steps to Setup OpenGL (GLUT) in CodeBlocks: Step - 1. 原因: Win32 has an annoying issue where there are multiple C run-time libraries (CRTs). Re: undefined reference to glClear. Third, if you're using glut then the lib is (usually) called glut32, not glut, so check what the name of the .lib or .a file actually is. I think you may need to add this line: #define GLUT_DISABLE_ATEXIT_HACK#include "gl/glut.h". Not sure what the name is on other OSs. Without a project file and build log here are my best guesses: you are mixing libs with incompatible architectures. As a quickfix you can obviously rename this either in the project settings or rename the file itself. Unless I add LIBS += -lglu32 -lopengl32 -lfreeglut I can't get the p. I followed the instructions here: http://wiki.allegro.cc/Setting_up_Code::Blocks_with_Allegro but when I start a . Bonjour à tous Je m'amuse actuellement sur Dev-Cpp à coder en utilisant la librairie glut. Then link your code to freeglut (libfreeglut.a) and it should work. The trick is to remember that if you use any functions from included header files that …. 使用MinGW的GLEW問題:未定義的引用'_imp__glewExperimental。' 10. I have opened example.pro, configure, and start debug. 3. I use Code::Blocks, because I want to create as portable code as possible (OpenGL/GLUT is used for the same reason) and to my knowledge, Visual C++ Express or Visual Studio are mostly Microsoft specific - or, are they? I'm trying to "upgrade" a complex OpenGL app that I've build using Qt 4.8.6 to Qt 5.7.0 . Add the full "MinGW\bin" path to the Windows PATH environment variable. Summary [93/129] Linking C executable tools\\tiffgt.exe FAILED: tools/tiffgt.exe But without anything to look at I have no way of helping you. MinGW+OpenGL+GLUTで毎回ハマること $ gcc -lfreeglut -lglu32 -lopengl32 main.c main.o:main.c:(.text+0x1c): undefined reference to `_imp____glutInitWithExit@12 . Open include folder from the downloaded file. MinGWを実行しているWindowsマシンでOpenGLの学習に取り組んでおり、標準includeとglu32.dllなどを使用してOpenGLプログラムをコンパイルおよび実行できました。 c++ - MinGW 和 GLUT 对 '_imp____glutInitWithExit@12' 的 undefined reference. Open lib folder from downloaded file. FreeGlut and Glut32 are a set of functions for use with OpenGL. Add the following commands to scale the cube by 2 along the x-axis, 2 along the y-axis, rotate the cube by 180 degrees about the y-axis, and translate the cube by 0.1 along the x-axis. January 12, 2004 08:22 AM. Undefined reference. UNSOLVED FreeGlut: undefined reference In function `glutInit_ATEXIT_HACK': FreeGlut: undefined reference In function `glutInit_ATEXIT_HACK': Witam, ostatnio chciałem zrobić pewny mały projekt w QT lecz jak chce podpiec do niego freegluta to wyskakuje właśnie "undefined reference". So I want to use Dev C++ gcc from the command line to compile code instead of vs. While testing I compiled a simple hello World using arm-none-eabi-gcc This was successful after . QT OpenGL编译错误undefined reference to ` . UNSOLVED FreeGlut: undefined reference In function `glutInit_ATEXIT_HACK': FreeGlut: undefined reference In function `glutInit_ATEXIT_HACK': Witam, ostatnio chciałem zrobić pewny mały projekt w QT lecz jak chce podpiec do niego freegluta to wyskakuje właśnie "undefined reference". Glut is a utility library that abstract the concept behind a window system making easy creation of windows to show OpenGL stuff. I've done this successfully on Mac OSX El Capitan, but have problems on Windows 7 using mingw. We will discuss the possible causes of each of these errors and along with the precautions that we can take as a programmer to prevent these errors. @Wild-Bill There is definitely an issue, and more than likely in your project (but possibly your environment). ライブラリがインストールされていないようです。 更新履歴 Obsługę okien, klawiatury i kontekstu OpenGL masz bezpośrednio w Qt. gcc test.c -D_STDCALL_SUPPORTED -D_M_IX86 glut32.lib -lopengl32 -lglu32 带有opengl,glut,glaux这几个库.glut32.dll opengl32.dll 系统自带 libopengl32.a gcc自带有 libglu32.a gcc自带有 glut32.lib gcc和VC都可以使用的glut32.dll的导入库 libglut32.a gcc用的导入库. Example 1.2 using GLEW --- big problem. J'ai pu réaliser en cours deux - trois programmes. undefined reference to 'main' Example /usr/lib/crt1.o: In function `_start': /usr/lib/crt1.o(.text+0x18): undefined reference to `main' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status Meaning This is a special case of "undefined reference" Usual Causes You compiled a .cpp that does not contain main( ), but forgot to use the -c switch. Unless i and g are defined in one of the files included in the build, the linker generates LNK2019. Although I linked files bit differently in DevC++, there were no errors or warnings. >winegcc *.c -lGL -lglut artifact.c: In function 'draw_artifacts': artifact.c:38:5: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'printf' artifact.c: In function 'set_artifacts': artifact.c:61:3: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in . If the executable is linked with a different CRT from the GLUT DLL, the GLUT DLL will not share the same CRT static data seen by the executable. libglaux.a VC自带有对应的glaux.lib,这是给gcc用的 glut好像不能静态编译,使用了专用的 . 解决linux 下多线程错误 undefined reference to `sem_init'_hackaday的博客-程序员秘密 编译的时候出现如下错误提示:undefined reference to `sem_init'undefined reference to `sem_post'undefined reference to `sem_wait'编译选项需要加入一个多线程:gcc -pthread -o outfile.out filename.c I installed MinGW and had everything working fine until I installed freeglut. 在编写OpenGL程序时,当使用到glut库时,编译能够成功,但是在执行的时候,就会 出现__imp____glutInitWithExit@12和无法解析的外部符号和__imp____glutCreateWindowWithExit@8无法解析。这个问题的解决:在#include 之前(一定要在其前)加上下列代码: #ifndef GLUT_DISABLE_ATEXIT_HAC Hey OpenGL Programmers and C++ Users… I am new with OpenGL and this OpenGL Forum yet… So i use Dev C++ and i get installed FreeGLUT on Windows XP (at home i work on windows 7 and 10)… Now i try if opengl works on Dev … MinGW+OpenGL+GLUTで毎回ハマること $ gcc -lfreeglut -lglu32 -lopengl32 main.c main.o:main.c:(.text+0x1c): undefined reference to `_imp____glutInitWithExit@12 . Example 1.1 using freeglut no problem. When I run the following code: #include &lt;gl/gl. Probably because you haven't linked its source or library file. 使用makefile链接GLFW库时遇到问题(HavingtroublewithGLFWlibrarylinkingusingamakefile),我一直致力于在运行MinGW的Windows机器上学习OpenGL,我 . 链接 sfml-audio 时的 C++ 未定义引用 2015-12-28 C++ SFML 2.1 未 定 义 对 GLEW 的 引 用 2015-02-14 SFML :对 _imp_ 的 未 定 义 引 用 [关闭] 2018-02-07 An alternative situation arises where the source for foo() is in a separate source file foo.c (and there's a header foo.h to declare foo() that is included in both foo.c and undefined_reference.c). 对3个GLEW元素的未定义引用。 Notice that it does not say undefined reference to '__imp_glewInit' 请注意,它没有说明对'__imp_glewInit'的未定义引用. With windows and Linux library files: And I am using MingW for the toolchain: The issue I am having is the fact that My Cmake file is doing something wrong, I got the includes to work just fine but there is some issue with linking. I use Code::Blocks, because I want to create as portable code as possible (OpenGL/GLUT is used for the same reason) and to my knowledge, Visual C++ Express or Visual Studio are mostly Microsoft specific - or, are they? It has made graphic software a little easier to code when it comes to programming OpenGL with 3D in mind. Answered by Stinomus 11 in a post from 12 Years Ago. When running cmake the compiler check fails with: exit.c: (.text.exit+0x18): undefined reference to `_exit' collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status. Postby Ident » Sat Aug 26, 2017 4:38 pm. Operating System Info This tutorial was demonstrated to work under as well as assumes that your using Microsoft Windows 7 64-Bit. I dabbled in Python for a year, and am starting c++, so I am a noob. Then the fix is to link both the object file from foo.c and undefined_reference.c, or to compile both the source files: Under Linux everything works like a charm but under Windows I cannot get it to work correctly. It just mean that the compiler wasn't able to find some function, in this case glutInitWithExit. The easiest solution in your case: download freeglut library (a free GLUT replacement). -lglut -lGLUT -lfreeglut First of all glut and GLUT are the same so that's redundant. What you need is to add the -lGL in your linker options. In 'other linker options' i put "-lOpenGL32 -lglu32 -lfreeglut" but when i try to create a simple source code "main.c" that include "GL\freeglut.h" I get these linker errors… undefined reference to _imp____glutInitWithExit 12 Jump to Post. For Vista: ControlPanel -> SystemAndMaintenance -> System -> AdvancedSystemSettings . So far I have: (1) downloaded glew 64-bit source code zip file (2) Extracted the GLEW files (3) Used MSYS to. Undefined References to _imp____glew* functions with minGW gcc MinGW and GLUT undefined . Trying to run examples in OpenGLBook. [Linker error] undefined reference to 'gsl_sf_bessel_J0' All the gsl files seemed have been installed properly using the WebUpdate module in the About Dev-C++ dialog box, but apparently the compiler must have trouble trying to read the .h file for some reason. CrazyEddie: "I don't like GUIs". 当我运行以下代码时: #include <gl/glut.h> int main . The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: xaedes added a commit to xaedes/GPSTk that referenced this issue on Jan 31, 2017. So it is linking some of GLEW, but not everything. Suppose you are using g++ compiler and your file name is mytest.cpp then command would be $ g++ mytest.cpp -lglut32 undefined reference to `__imp___glutInitWithExit' 未定義の参照があるようです。ライブラリをきちんと指定しているか確認してみてください。 fatal error: GL/glut.h: No such file or directory. Cependant je n'arrive pas à les compiler chez moi ! Hi. OS Windows Vista Home Premium 64 using Code::Blocks IDE with mingw. ec9efc0. . //*.pro QT += core gui opengl greaterThan (QT_MAJOR_VERSION . Step - 2. 2 solutions Top Rated Most Recent Solution 1 You're probably missing a reference to the glut library. I have the following errors when i try to compile the example for ofxXmlSettings with some modifications. It is very obtuse and does not even give a Line number of . 在编写OpenGL程序时,当使用到glut库时,编译能够成功,但是在执行的时候,就会 出现__imp____glutInitWithExit@12和无法解析的外部符号和__imp____glutCreateWindowWithExit@8无法解析。这个问题的解决:在#include 之前(一定要在其前)加上下列代码: #ifndef GLUT_DISABLE_ATEXIT_HAC "undefined reference to" 问题汇总及解决方法 undefined reference to `_imp__glutInitWindowPosition@ 8 ' undefined reference to `_imp__glutInitDisplayMode@4' undefined reference to `_imp__glutReshapeFunc@ 4 ' 我安装了 MinGW 并且一切正常,直到我安装了 freeglut。. There are tools that convert import libraries. 未定義參考getprocessmemoryinfo @ 12 我在用 c++ 编译任何简单的 OpenGL 应用程序时遇到了很多麻烦。我一直在环顾四周,大部分时间都发现问题出在链接上,但我找不到适合我的解决方案。 You need to configure your Fortran project properly. 原文 标签 c++ opengl cmake mingw freeglut. Python:undefined引用到_imp __Py_InitModule4 ; 7. The linker cannot find the definition of the function rotozoomSurface in this case. I think u need to link it with glut. *undefined reference to imp_glewExperimental* *对imp_glewExperimental的未定义引用* Even though I'm new to C, as far as I understand, this means that I'm referring to something which has no definition, which generally means the library is missing. 所以,我正在使用 freeglut 尝试做一些 openGL 的东西,但我不断收到错误,说引用未定义: CMakeFiles\texture_mapping.dir/objects.a (TextureMapper.cpp.obj): In function `ZN13TextureMapper4initEv': ./TextureMapper.cpp:20: undefined reference to `glClearColor@16 .

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