how does lennie relate to everyone else

Publié le 5 juin 2022

Lennie runs to a hiding spot and then all the ranch workers, including George, try to find Lennie. Lennie had just trespassed in Crook's room. He has killed his pup by petting it too hard. Here are some famous 'Of Mice And Men' quotes that reveal the diverse characters in the novel. Lennie looks at things is own way and doesn't accept the same racial prejudice that everyone else in the society does, which is can be seen as a childlike characteristic since this is a similar outlook that many younger people experience. How is Carlson described? Lennie's fight with Curley demonstrates to the ranch hands Curley isn't as tough as he seems. "Let go," she cried. Lennie is dead, killed by his best friend, the one he trusted the most. Primarily having an obligation to others creates stronger bond between each other and overall a better relationship. George realizes in the end of the book Lennie has . So, troubles abound in Lennie's. Lennie starts to travel with a good family friend George. Crooks gives a speech about how every guy needs another guy to talk to. George often has to think quickly in order to cover up for Lennie's . George took all the responsibilities for Lennie when Lennie's aunt Clara died. Lennie was truly happy at then end when George described the ranch. #2: "Lennie—if you jus' happen to get in trouble like you always done before, I want you to come right here an' hide in the brush… Hide in the brush till I come for you." #3: "It ain't so funny, him an' me goin' aroun' together," George said at last. Crooks is physically separated from the other men on the ranch because of his race. This is because it is always easy for a reader to feel sympathetic towards a person with mental difficulties as you can understand how challenging it must be in their situation. The first of these is the way in which he treats George and Lennie, and the ranch workers in general on the ranch. "'Come on, George. Consider these claims: In Of Mice and Men, friendship is dangerous: every time any character gets close to anyone else, something goes wrong. Due to his mental disability, Lennie is completely reliant on George. This is shown when Lennie and Curley's Wife encounter each other in the barn and Lennie refuses to talk to her, she openly states that Curley does not let her talk to anyone but himself, and that she gets lonely. Unlike Lennie's death, the killing of Candy's dog was done for selfish reasons. Bullying the Disabled: In his backstory, he often made Lennie do stupid . Lennie watched her . The horses and mules rattle their chains every time someone enters or exits the barn. The relationship between George and Leonie is similar to the relationship between Candy and his dog as they both lose their closest friend and are left with no one else to talk to. George: He doesn't pay attention to . Lennie: He tries to stay away from her, because George said so. The first sign Lennie shows about loneliness and isolationism is fear. Lennie James as Morgan and John Carroll Lynch as Eastman in 'The Walking Dead' (Photo: AMC) 7. The ranch hands lose all respect for Curley because he bullies Lennie & fights him. Lennie Small is the secondary protagonist in Of Mice and Men. George realizes in the end of the book Lennie has . In the book, another way the author shows the child archetype through Lennie by the way that others treat . Lennie has an unnamed mental disability—according to George, this is the result of an accident as a child, though this is likely untrue. Lennie is daydreaming with George about their future, when George pulls the trigger directed at the back of Lennie's head and Lennie is killed. To do so they end up working for someone else on their ranch. This entry was . At the end of the novella, Lennie accidentally kills Curley's wife, when Curley's wife thought that Lennie was up to something more sinister than petting her hair. He is short-tempered but a loving and devoted friend, whose frequent protests against life with Lennie never weaken his commitment to protecting his friend. Take a rest as a friend as and old memoria. George on the other hand, needs Lennie for a purpose in life. It gives a sense of empowerment to the ranch hands. Download: 975. George probably felt an all-encompassing sadness that the world they were born into failed them both. Ugh, this book is so good but what a gut-punch. In the film, by contrast, in the beginning, we see George riding on . In conclusion having a companion or obligation to someone brings protection and guidance as opposed to isolation. However, as Crooks senses the aura of danger surrounding Lennie, he stops taunting him. The two main characters are George Milton and Lennie Small who are chasing the American Dream just like everyone else. Carlson in Of Mice and Men is a good example of a side character that plays an important role in a story. The deaths of Candy 's dog and Lennie is related because Candy regretted not shooting his own dog and have someone else do it which makes George feel like he should shoot Lennie so he does not regret it as much as letting someone else do it . Promises lennies aunt cara that he will look after him 2. Curley is the boss' son. George Milton. Answer (1 of 7): I have read this book in my first year of college . In petting dead mice, Lennie is doing something that makes him feel safe. Lennie tells Crooks about the dream farm. By having Lennie be described as like a child and by his actions being like a child, it effectively creates sympathy for the character from the readers. "Curley's like alot of little guys. 2. Chapter 6 Journal Response Questions. The relationship between Curley and his wife is merely just an unstable marriage that lacks true meaning and love. The novella Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck takes place during the middle of the Great Depression in a small town in California. Crooks uses the given the opportunity to feel superior to someone else. Lennie's fingers closed on her hair and hung on. This adds extreme tension to the story. After Curley finds out that his wife has died, he becomes determined to kill Lennie gruesomely for revenge. Include a quotation with the page that shows the obstacle. Lennie is mentally disabled and so always 'does bad things . George is responsible for Lennie by making sure hegets food, water, has work, and make sure Lennie does not get into too much trouble for George. Crooks is teasing Lennie, because he knows that Lennie depends on George to make every . Each one of these characters experience discrimination in the book and it can be related to our lives today. Carlson also killed something, but nothing happened to him, he killed candy's dog with a pistol. The reason they were fighting is that Curley thought Lennie was laughing at him & Lennie only fought back because George told him to. Everyone is passing through the ranch, all except Candy and Crooks. Lyrics about being different: Come as you are, as you were, as I want you to be. When his aunt Clara died Lennie needed someone to help him with his everyday life and someone that could be there and tell him what to do. Order Original Essay. Take your time, hurry up, the choice is yours, don't be late. In the book "Of Mice and Men" there is many cases where Lennie just "holds on" to George. Most people similar to Lennie in the 1930's were in asylums, however George would never let this happen. Therefore he acts like he is the boss himself. "You do bad things and I got to get you out.""An' you ain't gonna do no bad things like you done in Weed, neither". Quotes about the relationship between George and Lennie include the "hoot in hell" quote, the "I wouldn't eat no ketchup" quote, and the "Le's get that place now" quote. "Him and me was both born in Auburn. Lennie's greatest feeling of security comes from petting soft things. What impact does Lennie and George's entrance have on the peaceful setting previously described? His main event is with Candy's dog, when he offers to put him out of his misery. George is the quick-witted, cunning, father-like figure, where as Lennie is the mentally handicapped, dumb, child-like figure. Lennie is mentally challenged, and everyone can tell due to his tendency to accidentally hurt people and animals, and for his inability to think and remember on his own. George's first words, a stern warning to Lennie not to drink so much lest he get sick, set the tone of their relationship. Directions : Choose 2 of the questions below and write a response. George said brusquely, "Well he ain't now." "If he ain't, I guess I better look someplace else," she said playfully. He sits around and waits for George to say something for him. 3. He orders the others around, and, although it is true that he does hold some power on the ranch, he does not hold any respect from the workers. The theme of dreams is introduced at the start of the book through George's description to Lennie of the farm that they hope one day to own together. He tells Lennie "I didn't mean to scare you". "A man got to have some rights even if he don't like 'em." - Crooks. he is the ranch owners son and gets away with everything because of that. Candy 's dog had to die because the men wanted him gone , he was " useless " , he was old , etc . Desire in many forms is found throughout the novella but companionship is the main one as everyone can be lonely at times. He hates big guys." - The Old Man. 3. Remember that a paragraph consists of an opening or introductory sentence, a concluding sentence, and the middle sentences contain the details and proof of your point. The events it led up to was Curley getting all the bones in his one hand borken. These two end up getting a special bond. " George and Lennie are found unusual by slim one of the ranch hands because they travel around together instead of on their own like everyone else. During the fight Lennie broke all the bones in Curley's hand. He is also worried that George won't let him tend the rabbits anymore because of it. The dog's death also foreshadowed Lennie's death in the end of the book. Lennie keeps getting himself into trouble, which is not helping their situation. Although, for Lennie and many others, achieving this dream will be impossible. Lennie is daydreaming with George about their future, when George pulls the trigger directed at the back of Lennie's head and Lennie is killed. Dreams. Curley's wife is lonely because she is the only woman on the ranch. Everyone always wants to pick on Lennie and sometimes Lennie doesn't say anything back. 1. In the time period of Of Mice and Men, society looked down on the mentally challenged and the physically disabled. Lennie really cares for George and is afraid for George to leave him. The relationship between George and Leonie is similar to the relationship between Candy and his dog as they both lose their closest friend and are left with no one else to talk to. Lennie is quite different from everyone else. George has to face the reality that he and Lennie may never get a place together. First, i would like to say this novel had made a huge impact on me not by feeling pity about Lennie's mental disability nor this childlike but also about the fact how workers in that years moving from ranches to ranches to work . It is evident that loneliness is presented constantly throughout this story. Lennie's eyes moved down over her body, and though she didn't seem to be looking at Lennie she bridled a little. George sees friendship as a practical relationship as much as an emotional one. After originally mistreating George he cares for him even though the inconveniences and risks 3. George is a reflection of his time. At the beginning of the book, we know that Lennie got in trouble. Knowing that " a guy can talk" to Lennie "an' be sure" he "won't go . The first quote shows how. Use these to develop a thesis statement about the treatement of animals. 'she leaned against the door frame so that her body was thrown forward' this was to exaggerate her body so that she could grab the attention of the male . 1 The Frame of the Film. How does this character interact with others? This is represented many times throughout the novel, between the relationship of George and Lennie. At the beginning of chapter 4, Lennie walks into Crook's room. I knowed his Aunt Clara. Lennie kills the pup that Slim gives him. George know Lennie than anyone else so he sometimes know what is running on Lennie's mind. George feels both guily and sad in this description of what he does after he kills Lennie: "But George sat stiffly on the bank and looked at his right hand that had thrown the gun away."(107). Curly is the bosses son that does not like George and lennie because they are to good of workers. Lennie is gripped by a growing panic that George will find the dead puppy and that now he "won't get to tend the rabbits" (93). His weakness is red wine. The Argument. Lennie is a mentally handicapped outcast that is constantly dehumanized by being compared to that of an animal. The kind of relationship George and Lennie has is more like a master and his dog relationship than a friendship because George is responsible for Lennie after Lennie's aunt Clara died. When his aunt Clara died Lennie needed someone to help him with his everyday life and someone that could be there and tell him what to do. One of the main characters and Lennie's caretaker. After all, he took Lennie under his wing, asking for nothing in return other than a companion, a friend. She took him when he was a baby and raised him up. Typical American dream with Lennie to have some land and not be under someone else's control What does George do in the novel 1. They worked in a small town called Weed, that was until Lennie had an . It set the theme of friendship, intolerance of the society, lost hope and euthanasia. There is mistrust between people and the idea of backstabbing and swindling is very present due to the economic decline and the loss of wealth for all social classes. George says quite a bit about how much better his life would be if he didn't have to take care of Lennie. He is a fellow ranch hand alongside George and Lennie, and he is a big, friendly man, not easily scared. Curley's Wife is the loneliest character in the novel because she suffers emotional abuse by her husband Curley. Memoria, memoria, memoria, memoria. Curley's wife enters in a dress decorated with red ostrich feathers. Is this a function of the ranch, the era, the world, human nature, or something else? Lennie Small Lennie Small is a migrant worker like George Milton, his friend and travelling companion. In the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, something that is portrayed correctly is how badly they treated the mentally challenged or disabled people. How he relates to Lennie: How he relates to everyone else: sonality: e of his name: Key events in the novel which relate to him: 3. Each response needs to be a paragraph in length, or 5 plus sentences. In the book, another way the author shows the child archetype through Lennie by the way that others treat him. Both characters are lost. The Atoner: Part of why he's so protective of Lennie is because, when they were younger, he made fun of Lennie's simplemindedness like everyone else until it caused an accident where Lennie nearly drowned. After taking this into consideration, Lennie, Crooks, Candy, and Curley's wife can be derived as victims of loneliness. George knows that Lennie is not "normal". take care of Lennie. While the initial reaction to her death is a manhunt led by Curley, her death . Lennie sees an imaginary rabbit when he's hiding in the brush waiting for George. Isolation. The conclusion of the novel Of Mice and Men illustrates what life would be like for George and Lennie without the other. Lennie kills the puppy by accident because he stroked it too hard. Right at the start of the play we find out about the relationship between George and Lennie. How it works. Lennie needs George for basic survival and without him, Lennie's life would not be very long. Society as a whole would disapprove of what he is doing, but Lennie sees nothing wrong in his actions. This is because Candy is old and only has one hand and crooks, stays on the ranch because he is coloured. The death of Curley's wife sets off a chain reaction for the events that close out "Of Mice and Men". George is the quick-witted, cunning, father-like figure, where as Lennie is the mentally handicapped, dumb, child-like figure. novella is about two guys named Lennie, and George, who have a dream to have their own ranch out in California. In conclusion, the killing of Candy's dog is related to the Lennie's death. Summary. With Lennie's hands being bigger than Curley's face, the damage done gave Lennie a bit of confidence, but at the same time, regret. Due to Lennie's mental decline, however and the fact that if it were not for George, Lennie would not be alive, there is a strong bond apparent. "Look out, now, you'll miss it."…. The endings of both stories were bittersweet. As the first time she is portrayed to us negatively, this is henceforth how the reader has an impression of her. Specifically, George's responsibility for taking care of Lennie and the American Dream are attempts to break the continuous pattern of of isolation. He is used feeling weak and vulnerable himself. Lennie looks at things is own way and doesn't accept the same racial prejudice that everyone else in the society does, which is can be seen as a childlike characteristic since this is a similar outlook that many younger people experience. One of the greatest differences between the film and novel versions of Of Mice and Men is the means in which the story is told. Of Mice and Men - Quotes with Analysis - George Milton. The character of Curley's wife, is presented by John Steinbeck in the Novella, Of mice and men as being a flirtatious tart. So as you can see, George's murder of Lennie is a true act of friendship because he had to kill Lennie before the others could, George did not want that for his friend. Although Lennie doesn't initially fight back when Curley attacks him, once he responds, he easily overpowers Curley. Discrimination is demonstrated in Of Mice and Men many times throughout the book with Lennie, Curley's wife, and Crooks. My reaction to it was shocked that Lennie was that strong, i mean i . 68) Discrimination is the treatment of a person based on the group, class, or category to which that person belongs. Lennie from Of Mice and Men is a character whose dream dies and who even dies himself. George finds Lennie and shoots him in the back of the head. Lennie is one of the few people that Crooks has power over. Lennie's mental disorder is a recurring obstacle that George has to deal with. Like Lennie, George can be defined by a few distinct characteristics. Charlie is lost and can't bear to face the world he once knew so well. Then relate that to the treatment of people in the novel. Lennie also killed Curley's wife by accident, only because he got scared. Lennie he killed a little puppy by accident unlike George, Lennie didn't plan to kill it. He is a huge, lumbering man whose bearlike appearance masks a sweet, gentle disposition. Even though Lennie killed Curly's wife and the puppy and the mouse, George knows Lenny means no harm and is just different and stronger then anybody else. "Sometimes Curley's in here," she explained. George feels both guily and sad in this description of what he does after he kills Lennie: "But George sat stiffly on the bank and looked at his right hand that had thrown the gun away."(107). Why does everyone seem to feel so isolated all the time? James loves to cook (he's his family's primary chef), but he admits . Like any siblings, he picks on Lennie, yet is extremely defensive when anyone else does the same, something we can all relate to. He gets angry, saying that it wasn't big enough to start with and shouldn't have died since it wasn't as small as the mice. His wife is a tart, and he doesn't like bigger people then him like Lennie. 35 Votes) Candy is lonely because the loss of his hand leaves him unable to work with others, while the loss of his dog deprives him of a source of companionship. When the rest of the world gets complicated and scary, petting soft things helps Lennie feel safe. Steinbeck suggests that it is difficult to trust others when undergoing obstacles, however with a companion one can go . George seems slightly upset, but Slim quickly brushes it off. As a friend, as a friend, as and old enemy. George, Lennie's brother, has been taking care of him over that past few years, since his Aunt Clara passed away. Curley is a jerk trying to pick fights. Lennie Smalls is a character in John Steinbeck's novella, Of Mice and Men, who is just like any other person on the ranch, searching for his American Dream. If this is true, why does he stay with Lennie? George is a small, quick-witted man; his intelligence contrasts with Lennie's throughout the book; as does his size. This bond is built on an unbreakable friendship which can outstand many things, and a solid bond of trust. Finds work for him and Lennie 4. "You let go!". She looked at her fingers. Lennie gets into trouble and . George and Lennie's companionship contrasts the loneliness that surrounds them on the ranch. In the novel, the story opens into the middle of events, so that the reader is brought into the immediate time of the story. Lennie starts to travel with a good family friend George. 4/5 (3,155 Views . Everyone else, including George, has gone off to the city to drink. If this is true, why does he choose to stay with Lennie? Physical description: Important Events in his life: How he relates to everyone else: . Because Lennie can see that George isn't coming for the rescue, he looks at George and lashes out at Curley. They continue to discuss this . Throughout the novel, the relationship between George and Lennie has been seen as unusual to others because the people on the ranch usually live in alienation from one another. Lennie broke Curley's nose, because of the sheer size and power that Lennie's hand have. In the book "Of Mice and Men" there is many cases where Lennie just "holds on" to George. Both share a dream of owning a farm together, a dream that Lennie wholeheartedly believes and wants to tend the rabbits at. The scene shifts to Sunday afternoon as Lennie sits in the barn, contemplating a dead puppy. The idea that Lennie was "no good for himself" felt like it stemmed from genuine love for Lennie but also a limited world view. 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Lennie runs to a hiding spot and then all the ranch workers, including George, try to find Lennie. Lennie had just trespassed in Crook's room. He has killed his pup by petting it too hard. Here are some famous 'Of Mice And Men' quotes that reveal the diverse characters in the novel. Lennie looks at things is own way and doesn't accept the same racial prejudice that everyone else in the society does, which is can be seen as a childlike characteristic since this is a similar outlook that many younger people experience. How is Carlson described? Lennie's fight with Curley demonstrates to the ranch hands Curley isn't as tough as he seems. "Let go," she cried. Lennie is dead, killed by his best friend, the one he trusted the most. Primarily having an obligation to others creates stronger bond between each other and overall a better relationship. George realizes in the end of the book Lennie has . So, troubles abound in Lennie's. Lennie starts to travel with a good family friend George. Crooks gives a speech about how every guy needs another guy to talk to. George often has to think quickly in order to cover up for Lennie's . George took all the responsibilities for Lennie when Lennie's aunt Clara died. Lennie was truly happy at then end when George described the ranch. #2: "Lennie—if you jus' happen to get in trouble like you always done before, I want you to come right here an' hide in the brush… Hide in the brush till I come for you." #3: "It ain't so funny, him an' me goin' aroun' together," George said at last. Crooks is physically separated from the other men on the ranch because of his race. This is because it is always easy for a reader to feel sympathetic towards a person with mental difficulties as you can understand how challenging it must be in their situation. The first of these is the way in which he treats George and Lennie, and the ranch workers in general on the ranch. "'Come on, George. Consider these claims: In Of Mice and Men, friendship is dangerous: every time any character gets close to anyone else, something goes wrong. Due to his mental disability, Lennie is completely reliant on George. This is shown when Lennie and Curley's Wife encounter each other in the barn and Lennie refuses to talk to her, she openly states that Curley does not let her talk to anyone but himself, and that she gets lonely. Unlike Lennie's death, the killing of Candy's dog was done for selfish reasons. Bullying the Disabled: In his backstory, he often made Lennie do stupid . Lennie watched her . The horses and mules rattle their chains every time someone enters or exits the barn. The relationship between George and Leonie is similar to the relationship between Candy and his dog as they both lose their closest friend and are left with no one else to talk to. George: He doesn't pay attention to . Lennie: He tries to stay away from her, because George said so. The first sign Lennie shows about loneliness and isolationism is fear. Lennie James as Morgan and John Carroll Lynch as Eastman in 'The Walking Dead' (Photo: AMC) 7. The ranch hands lose all respect for Curley because he bullies Lennie & fights him. Lennie Small is the secondary protagonist in Of Mice and Men. George realizes in the end of the book Lennie has . In the book, another way the author shows the child archetype through Lennie by the way that others treat . Lennie has an unnamed mental disability—according to George, this is the result of an accident as a child, though this is likely untrue. Lennie is daydreaming with George about their future, when George pulls the trigger directed at the back of Lennie's head and Lennie is killed. To do so they end up working for someone else on their ranch. This entry was . At the end of the novella, Lennie accidentally kills Curley's wife, when Curley's wife thought that Lennie was up to something more sinister than petting her hair. He is short-tempered but a loving and devoted friend, whose frequent protests against life with Lennie never weaken his commitment to protecting his friend. Take a rest as a friend as and old memoria. George on the other hand, needs Lennie for a purpose in life. It gives a sense of empowerment to the ranch hands. Download: 975. George probably felt an all-encompassing sadness that the world they were born into failed them both. Ugh, this book is so good but what a gut-punch. In the film, by contrast, in the beginning, we see George riding on . In conclusion having a companion or obligation to someone brings protection and guidance as opposed to isolation. However, as Crooks senses the aura of danger surrounding Lennie, he stops taunting him. The two main characters are George Milton and Lennie Small who are chasing the American Dream just like everyone else. Carlson in Of Mice and Men is a good example of a side character that plays an important role in a story. The deaths of Candy 's dog and Lennie is related because Candy regretted not shooting his own dog and have someone else do it which makes George feel like he should shoot Lennie so he does not regret it as much as letting someone else do it . Promises lennies aunt cara that he will look after him 2. Curley is the boss' son. George Milton. Answer (1 of 7): I have read this book in my first year of college . In petting dead mice, Lennie is doing something that makes him feel safe. Lennie tells Crooks about the dream farm. By having Lennie be described as like a child and by his actions being like a child, it effectively creates sympathy for the character from the readers. "Curley's like alot of little guys. 2. Chapter 6 Journal Response Questions. The relationship between Curley and his wife is merely just an unstable marriage that lacks true meaning and love. The novella Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck takes place during the middle of the Great Depression in a small town in California. Crooks uses the given the opportunity to feel superior to someone else. Lennie's fingers closed on her hair and hung on. This adds extreme tension to the story. After Curley finds out that his wife has died, he becomes determined to kill Lennie gruesomely for revenge. Include a quotation with the page that shows the obstacle. Lennie is mentally disabled and so always 'does bad things . George is responsible for Lennie by making sure hegets food, water, has work, and make sure Lennie does not get into too much trouble for George. Crooks is teasing Lennie, because he knows that Lennie depends on George to make every . Each one of these characters experience discrimination in the book and it can be related to our lives today. Carlson also killed something, but nothing happened to him, he killed candy's dog with a pistol. The reason they were fighting is that Curley thought Lennie was laughing at him & Lennie only fought back because George told him to. Everyone is passing through the ranch, all except Candy and Crooks. Lyrics about being different: Come as you are, as you were, as I want you to be. When his aunt Clara died Lennie needed someone to help him with his everyday life and someone that could be there and tell him what to do. Order Original Essay. Take your time, hurry up, the choice is yours, don't be late. In the book "Of Mice and Men" there is many cases where Lennie just "holds on" to George. Most people similar to Lennie in the 1930's were in asylums, however George would never let this happen. Therefore he acts like he is the boss himself. "You do bad things and I got to get you out.""An' you ain't gonna do no bad things like you done in Weed, neither". Quotes about the relationship between George and Lennie include the "hoot in hell" quote, the "I wouldn't eat no ketchup" quote, and the "Le's get that place now" quote. "Him and me was both born in Auburn. Lennie's greatest feeling of security comes from petting soft things. What impact does Lennie and George's entrance have on the peaceful setting previously described? His main event is with Candy's dog, when he offers to put him out of his misery. George is the quick-witted, cunning, father-like figure, where as Lennie is the mentally handicapped, dumb, child-like figure. Lennie is mentally challenged, and everyone can tell due to his tendency to accidentally hurt people and animals, and for his inability to think and remember on his own. George's first words, a stern warning to Lennie not to drink so much lest he get sick, set the tone of their relationship. Directions : Choose 2 of the questions below and write a response. George said brusquely, "Well he ain't now." "If he ain't, I guess I better look someplace else," she said playfully. He sits around and waits for George to say something for him. 3. He orders the others around, and, although it is true that he does hold some power on the ranch, he does not hold any respect from the workers. The theme of dreams is introduced at the start of the book through George's description to Lennie of the farm that they hope one day to own together. He tells Lennie "I didn't mean to scare you". "A man got to have some rights even if he don't like 'em." - Crooks. he is the ranch owners son and gets away with everything because of that. Candy 's dog had to die because the men wanted him gone , he was " useless " , he was old , etc . Desire in many forms is found throughout the novella but companionship is the main one as everyone can be lonely at times. He hates big guys." - The Old Man. 3. Remember that a paragraph consists of an opening or introductory sentence, a concluding sentence, and the middle sentences contain the details and proof of your point. The events it led up to was Curley getting all the bones in his one hand borken. These two end up getting a special bond. " George and Lennie are found unusual by slim one of the ranch hands because they travel around together instead of on their own like everyone else. During the fight Lennie broke all the bones in Curley's hand. He is also worried that George won't let him tend the rabbits anymore because of it. The dog's death also foreshadowed Lennie's death in the end of the book. Lennie keeps getting himself into trouble, which is not helping their situation. Although, for Lennie and many others, achieving this dream will be impossible. Lennie is daydreaming with George about their future, when George pulls the trigger directed at the back of Lennie's head and Lennie is killed. Dreams. Curley's wife is lonely because she is the only woman on the ranch. Everyone always wants to pick on Lennie and sometimes Lennie doesn't say anything back. 1. In the time period of Of Mice and Men, society looked down on the mentally challenged and the physically disabled. Lennie really cares for George and is afraid for George to leave him. The relationship between George and Leonie is similar to the relationship between Candy and his dog as they both lose their closest friend and are left with no one else to talk to. Lennie is quite different from everyone else. George has to face the reality that he and Lennie may never get a place together. First, i would like to say this novel had made a huge impact on me not by feeling pity about Lennie's mental disability nor this childlike but also about the fact how workers in that years moving from ranches to ranches to work . It is evident that loneliness is presented constantly throughout this story. Lennie's eyes moved down over her body, and though she didn't seem to be looking at Lennie she bridled a little. George sees friendship as a practical relationship as much as an emotional one. After originally mistreating George he cares for him even though the inconveniences and risks 3. George is a reflection of his time. At the beginning of the book, we know that Lennie got in trouble. Knowing that " a guy can talk" to Lennie "an' be sure" he "won't go . The first quote shows how. Use these to develop a thesis statement about the treatement of animals. 'she leaned against the door frame so that her body was thrown forward' this was to exaggerate her body so that she could grab the attention of the male . 1 The Frame of the Film. How does this character interact with others? This is represented many times throughout the novel, between the relationship of George and Lennie. At the beginning of chapter 4, Lennie walks into Crook's room. I knowed his Aunt Clara. Lennie kills the pup that Slim gives him. George know Lennie than anyone else so he sometimes know what is running on Lennie's mind. George feels both guily and sad in this description of what he does after he kills Lennie: "But George sat stiffly on the bank and looked at his right hand that had thrown the gun away."(107). Curly is the bosses son that does not like George and lennie because they are to good of workers. Lennie is gripped by a growing panic that George will find the dead puppy and that now he "won't get to tend the rabbits" (93). His weakness is red wine. The Argument. Lennie is a mentally handicapped outcast that is constantly dehumanized by being compared to that of an animal. The kind of relationship George and Lennie has is more like a master and his dog relationship than a friendship because George is responsible for Lennie after Lennie's aunt Clara died. When his aunt Clara died Lennie needed someone to help him with his everyday life and someone that could be there and tell him what to do. One of the main characters and Lennie's caretaker. After all, he took Lennie under his wing, asking for nothing in return other than a companion, a friend. She took him when he was a baby and raised him up. Typical American dream with Lennie to have some land and not be under someone else's control What does George do in the novel 1. They worked in a small town called Weed, that was until Lennie had an . It set the theme of friendship, intolerance of the society, lost hope and euthanasia. There is mistrust between people and the idea of backstabbing and swindling is very present due to the economic decline and the loss of wealth for all social classes. George says quite a bit about how much better his life would be if he didn't have to take care of Lennie. He is a fellow ranch hand alongside George and Lennie, and he is a big, friendly man, not easily scared. Curley's Wife is the loneliest character in the novel because she suffers emotional abuse by her husband Curley. Memoria, memoria, memoria, memoria. Curley's wife enters in a dress decorated with red ostrich feathers. Is this a function of the ranch, the era, the world, human nature, or something else? Lennie Small Lennie Small is a migrant worker like George Milton, his friend and travelling companion. In the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, something that is portrayed correctly is how badly they treated the mentally challenged or disabled people. How he relates to Lennie: How he relates to everyone else: sonality: e of his name: Key events in the novel which relate to him: 3. Each response needs to be a paragraph in length, or 5 plus sentences. In the book, another way the author shows the child archetype through Lennie by the way that others treat him. Both characters are lost. The Atoner: Part of why he's so protective of Lennie is because, when they were younger, he made fun of Lennie's simplemindedness like everyone else until it caused an accident where Lennie nearly drowned. After taking this into consideration, Lennie, Crooks, Candy, and Curley's wife can be derived as victims of loneliness. George knows that Lennie is not "normal". take care of Lennie. While the initial reaction to her death is a manhunt led by Curley, her death . Lennie sees an imaginary rabbit when he's hiding in the brush waiting for George. Isolation. The conclusion of the novel Of Mice and Men illustrates what life would be like for George and Lennie without the other. Lennie kills the puppy by accident because he stroked it too hard. Right at the start of the play we find out about the relationship between George and Lennie. How it works. Lennie needs George for basic survival and without him, Lennie's life would not be very long. Society as a whole would disapprove of what he is doing, but Lennie sees nothing wrong in his actions. This is because Candy is old and only has one hand and crooks, stays on the ranch because he is coloured. The death of Curley's wife sets off a chain reaction for the events that close out "Of Mice and Men". George is the quick-witted, cunning, father-like figure, where as Lennie is the mentally handicapped, dumb, child-like figure. novella is about two guys named Lennie, and George, who have a dream to have their own ranch out in California. In conclusion, the killing of Candy's dog is related to the Lennie's death. Summary. With Lennie's hands being bigger than Curley's face, the damage done gave Lennie a bit of confidence, but at the same time, regret. Due to Lennie's mental decline, however and the fact that if it were not for George, Lennie would not be alive, there is a strong bond apparent. "Look out, now, you'll miss it."…. The endings of both stories were bittersweet. As the first time she is portrayed to us negatively, this is henceforth how the reader has an impression of her. Specifically, George's responsibility for taking care of Lennie and the American Dream are attempts to break the continuous pattern of of isolation. He is used feeling weak and vulnerable himself. Lennie looks at things is own way and doesn't accept the same racial prejudice that everyone else in the society does, which is can be seen as a childlike characteristic since this is a similar outlook that many younger people experience. One of the greatest differences between the film and novel versions of Of Mice and Men is the means in which the story is told. Of Mice and Men - Quotes with Analysis - George Milton. The character of Curley's wife, is presented by John Steinbeck in the Novella, Of mice and men as being a flirtatious tart. So as you can see, George's murder of Lennie is a true act of friendship because he had to kill Lennie before the others could, George did not want that for his friend. Although Lennie doesn't initially fight back when Curley attacks him, once he responds, he easily overpowers Curley. Discrimination is demonstrated in Of Mice and Men many times throughout the book with Lennie, Curley's wife, and Crooks. My reaction to it was shocked that Lennie was that strong, i mean i . 68) Discrimination is the treatment of a person based on the group, class, or category to which that person belongs. Lennie from Of Mice and Men is a character whose dream dies and who even dies himself. George finds Lennie and shoots him in the back of the head. Lennie is one of the few people that Crooks has power over. Lennie's mental disorder is a recurring obstacle that George has to deal with. Like Lennie, George can be defined by a few distinct characteristics. Charlie is lost and can't bear to face the world he once knew so well. Then relate that to the treatment of people in the novel. Lennie also killed Curley's wife by accident, only because he got scared. Lennie he killed a little puppy by accident unlike George, Lennie didn't plan to kill it. He is a huge, lumbering man whose bearlike appearance masks a sweet, gentle disposition. Even though Lennie killed Curly's wife and the puppy and the mouse, George knows Lenny means no harm and is just different and stronger then anybody else. "Sometimes Curley's in here," she explained. George feels both guily and sad in this description of what he does after he kills Lennie: "But George sat stiffly on the bank and looked at his right hand that had thrown the gun away."(107). Why does everyone seem to feel so isolated all the time? James loves to cook (he's his family's primary chef), but he admits . Like any siblings, he picks on Lennie, yet is extremely defensive when anyone else does the same, something we can all relate to. He gets angry, saying that it wasn't big enough to start with and shouldn't have died since it wasn't as small as the mice. His wife is a tart, and he doesn't like bigger people then him like Lennie. 35 Votes) Candy is lonely because the loss of his hand leaves him unable to work with others, while the loss of his dog deprives him of a source of companionship. When the rest of the world gets complicated and scary, petting soft things helps Lennie feel safe. Steinbeck suggests that it is difficult to trust others when undergoing obstacles, however with a companion one can go . George seems slightly upset, but Slim quickly brushes it off. As a friend, as a friend, as and old enemy. George, Lennie's brother, has been taking care of him over that past few years, since his Aunt Clara passed away. Curley is a jerk trying to pick fights. Lennie Smalls is a character in John Steinbeck's novella, Of Mice and Men, who is just like any other person on the ranch, searching for his American Dream. If this is true, why does he stay with Lennie? George is a small, quick-witted man; his intelligence contrasts with Lennie's throughout the book; as does his size. This bond is built on an unbreakable friendship which can outstand many things, and a solid bond of trust. Finds work for him and Lennie 4. "You let go!". She looked at her fingers. Lennie gets into trouble and . George and Lennie's companionship contrasts the loneliness that surrounds them on the ranch. In the novel, the story opens into the middle of events, so that the reader is brought into the immediate time of the story. Lennie starts to travel with a good family friend George. 4/5 (3,155 Views . Everyone else, including George, has gone off to the city to drink. If this is true, why does he choose to stay with Lennie? Physical description: Important Events in his life: How he relates to everyone else: . Because Lennie can see that George isn't coming for the rescue, he looks at George and lashes out at Curley. They continue to discuss this . Throughout the novel, the relationship between George and Lennie has been seen as unusual to others because the people on the ranch usually live in alienation from one another. Lennie broke Curley's nose, because of the sheer size and power that Lennie's hand have. In the book "Of Mice and Men" there is many cases where Lennie just "holds on" to George. Both share a dream of owning a farm together, a dream that Lennie wholeheartedly believes and wants to tend the rabbits at. The scene shifts to Sunday afternoon as Lennie sits in the barn, contemplating a dead puppy. The idea that Lennie was "no good for himself" felt like it stemmed from genuine love for Lennie but also a limited world view.

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